Notes & Queries response - Which professions offer the best pay for the least amount of effort?

image generated by Craiyon There are placenames that you might otherwise never stumble across, were you not inclining your gaze upward towards a fragment of the London Underground map, so as to avoid the shuttered stare of the passenger who is sitting opposite. These outlying suburbs have been drawn into the sprawl of the capital. On paper at least, they are now part and parcel of London. Public opinion, particularly on the issue of where one neighbourhood ends and another begins, moves more slowly than urban development, advancing at a generational pace. To some, these far-flung locales will never be a part of London. They are simply too far away, in terms of time and distance, from the hustle and bustle of the West End. Speaking their names will often conjure bucolic rural imagery that belongs in the first half of the 20th century, if not the one before it. Often these places occupy diversionary loops, or short branches, at the distant ends of one of the more far-reaching London Unde...