Notes & Queries response: Why are the French so much more militant than the British?

image generated by Craiyon That night Hôpital arrondissement smelled of fig blossom. The perfume seemed to cling to still, night-time air as if it were dependent on the darkness for its survival, and would be dispelled by the daylight. I first noticed it after we emerged from the Metro, transitioning from neon clubland, buried in our recent past, several miles to south-west, and into leafy Parisian suburbs. The scent of it was still on my dishevelled clothing the following morning. One of the delegates who rode the hotel elevator with me to the ground floor wrinkled his nose when I got in. “You have visited Hôpital,” he said. He asked me whether I had friends in the district. When I answered in the affirmative, he listed off some names, none of whom I knew. Allain's half-brother had a place there. He had inherited it from a uncle who he hated and regarded as a traitor. “Will he be okay with us turning up at his door at this hour?” I enquired. “He is an anarchist,” answered Allain. ...