Notes & Queries response - Why is there a window on a washing machine but not on a dishwasher?

This is my response to a question that appeared on the Notes & Queries page of The Guardian website on the 26th February, 2023. The Guardian is apparently no longer happy to host my comments on their site, so it is appearing here instead. This blog is obviously not affiliated with The Guardian. Its reference to a question that appeared in Notes & Queries is presented here under the terms of fair use. ~ Why is there a window on a washing machine but not on a dishwasher? image generated by Craiyon It was during the post-war years of the 20th Century that the now-ubiquitous dishwasher embarked upon a cultural and technological journey; one that would result in its gradual acceptance as an indispensable aid in the modern kitchen. It lined up alongside those other miracles of the modern age – the fridge/freezer, and the gas or electric cooker. By the late 1970s, when dishwashers were beginning to become commonplace, the applied technology had been in existence for almost a century. ...