Looking as you leap: The pros and cons of plotting a novel on the fly
Towards the end of 2020, I wrote a novella by accident. Which is a cutesy way of saying that, either on a whim, or as a dedicated act of procrastination to avoid doing something else, I dragged the mothballed fragments of an unfinished piece of fiction out from the archives, and worked on it until it was well over 30,000 words and no longer viable as a short story. During the decade or so since its conception, the story had acquired a number of notations that had been tagged piecemeal onto the end. Among these was the outline for a new opening paragraph that went on to become chapter one. A sketch of a scene that was intended to amount to nothing more than a couple of paragraphs, swelled to immense proportions and became chapter three, which remains my favourite part of the book. There was a point where I had to make a decision: Do I cram the story back into the vaults, or do I continue adding to it, in the knowledge that it is too large for any literary journal to even consider, and w...