Missing Notes and Queries response - 29th June 2021

image generated by Craiyon The Guardian closed the comments on this week's Notes & Queries , before I could add my well-researched, rigorously fact-checked voice to a debate, regarding what one should say to a friend who is planning on sending their child to a private school. Hence the appearance of my response here on this blog. For the record I failed my 11+ and attended an hilariously violent comprehensive school, from which I emerged with three A Levels and a lasting contempt for the education system. I sat two additional A levels at a fee paying school in London. Some of my friends attended fee paying schools almost from the get go. We all turned out alright. What’s the right response to a friend who says they are sending their child to private school? What’s the appropriate response to a friend who tells you they are sending their child to private school? Anthony Huxley, Dunfermline It would depend very much on the private school. By way of example, if my friend wa...